We use a pain free method called ONYFIX to correct painful ingrown nails or involution.This method of using a epoxy resin is a truly unique and incredibly effective way to treat a variety of conditions associated with a highly curved toenail. These conditions include ingrown toenails, curved toenails, curling toenails, incurvated toenails, involuted toenails, mild pincer, trumpet or omega nails, ingrown fingernails, onychocryptosis and paronychia.
Painful ingrown toe nails can be the result of a toenail that’s become too curved. The obvious solution is to correct the curve of the toenail, a different approach not achieved using any other treatment, not even surgery.
Whether you’ve had ingrown toenails for many years or if this is your first experience with an ingrown toenail, professional toenail Correction will eliminate painful toenails in just a day or two.