We offer NEW state-of-the art Custom Orthotics designed and masterfully created by creating a real time image of the help and support you need. 3D casting imaging and gait scans are completed.
Our Practitioner is Nathalie Cervini, Chiropractor, will then analyze and create a great orthotic. Our onsite physician fits and dispenses as well as handles all direct billing to your insurance.
We offer only the best made Orthotics for our clients!
Free Office and Home Visit assessments available.
Custom Orthotics section:
We are partnered with The Orthotic Group this last few years to offer the newest 3D imaging technology for Orthotics.
We have successfully created many pairs of gold standard orthotics this year!
We have a chiropractor Natalie Cervini onsite 2 days a week to fit and dispense for our wonderful clients. With the input from our clients, their Advanced Foot Nurse and an experienced orthotic specialist, we offer a great orthotic to exceed the need of our clients!
Trust us who actually care and treat feet every day. We understand gait and balance and what happens when it’s not right. Our nurses see the calluses, corns and pressure area first hand!
Our clinics have seen clients struggle for years with pain in their feet, lower limbs and back! We are proud to say after our fitting and gold standard orthotics there is dramatic improvement that can be seen on the bottoms of their feet!
We have truly elevated
“The Nurse Experience”

While custom orthotics are the top standard for most foot pain conditions, sometimes cost is a barrier to treatment.
However, a less expensive drug-store insole may not fit the need!
We are now proud to introduce another product! This product is a great alternative for clients requiring more offloading support , on a budget.
Lower limb biomechanical conditions can range from mild to moderate to severe. Not all clients are a candidate for an orthotic and those that are, may only need mild support. Alternatively, some patients truly need a custom orthotic to address bone and joint abnormality. The offloading device that we fit in your shoe must be the right one for your condition, footwear style, life and pocketbook.