“You Don’t Have to be Embarrassed”

We have so many clients express that they have lived for years with unsightly or painful feet as they were embarrassed and did not know who could help them.
Visiting the ONE and ONLY “The Toe Bro”

His office was so warm and welcoming. He was in the middle of filming for his new show coming out on the A&E network. He was a great foot specialist to speak with and pass back and forth ideas and enjoy the connection.
Sandal TIME

As foot professional we have to look at the sole of a shoe. ASK YOURSELF??? Does this actually support my foot? This is the time of year I cringe looking at the cheap sandals peope are wearing causing damage in the long term to their feet!
Is It a Callus or a Corn?

Clients often expect after one foot care treatment that the problem has been resolved. Then they notice at the 2 week mark it starts to come back. Why? Because we need to get a long term treatment plan to address THE CAUSE.