Is Your Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain Returning?
The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, but keep in mind that 30% of people are misdiagnosed with “plantar fasciitis” when, in fact, they have ligament/tendon tears, nerve entrapment, bone bruises or stress fractures. For this reason, it is important that you be examined by a foot specialist first.
How Do I Know If I Need Orthotics?
You may know them as orthotics, insoles, footbeds or inserts. Regardless of what you call them, not many of us have perfect feet. This means almost everyone can benefit from an orthopedic shoe. However, orthotics may help some of us more than others. Read on to learn the common signs you need orthotics and if they could be a good fit for you.
When A Callus… Is Not Just A Callus
Our foot care nurse team has seen these feet this week and every week! Calluses are one of nature’s ways of protecting our bodies, especially when occurring on the hands and feet.
HELP for your Achilles Tendinitis Pain?
Now, if the pain is behind your ankle just above the heel, then it is likely that you have developed an injury or inflammation of the Achilles Tendon—the largest tendon in the body.
Diabetic Foot Care
If you’re diabetic, you may know of the many dangers to your limbs. Your feet are no exception. Make sure you understand how to care for your feet BEFORE the dangers become a reality.
Warts and Corns – What They Are and How to tell the difference.
Have you ever had a sore spot under your foot or on your toes? Or a patch of hard skin that you can’t seem to get rid of? There’s a good chance that you’ve had a corn or a wart. But how do you recognise them and how can you tell whether you have one or the other?
What is a Medical Foot Care Nurse?
Medical foot care is provided in a sterile, professional environment. All equipment is fully sterilized and cleaned in a commercial autoclave room that’s audited, instruments sealed, packaged and unique to each individual.
The 411 on Diabetic Foot Problems!
We have so many clients express that they have lived for years with unsightly or painful feet as they were embarrassed and did not know who could help them.
If The Shoe Fits: The Importance of Wearing The Right Size
We have so many clients express that they have lived for years with unsightly or painful feet as they were embarrassed and did not know who could help them.
“You Don’t Have to be Embarrassed”
We have so many clients express that they have lived for years with unsightly or painful feet as they were embarrassed and did not know who could help them.